
“Since our foundation we have sought to adore and to serve Christ who shed his blood for the redemption of the world.”
– 1985 Constitutions –

Foundations in Steinerberg, Switzerland

The Sisters of the Most Precious Blood of O’Fallon, Missouri was founded in Steinerberg, Switzerland on September 8, 1845, as a contemplative community. Young women from Baden, Germany joined together for the perpetual adoration of the Most Precious Blood in the Blessed Sacrament. Magdalene Weber, known in religious life as Mother Theresa, was the first superior of the fledgling community and is revered as its foundress.

The congregation was formed under the guidance of Reverend Karl Rolfus, a priest from Baden. Searching for a spirituality to counteract the growing secularization of southern Germany, Rolfus found contemporary devotion to the Precious Blood and shared this with his many directees. German convents could not accept new candidates at that time, however, so women journeyed to Switzerland where the pastor of St. Anne’s Church supported their desire.

The Swiss government prohibited all strictly contemplative orders, and the pastor saw these young women as an opportunity to improve his parish school. From thereon, the early congregation had both a contemplative and an apostolic dimension.

Exiled to France – Birth of Ecclesiastical Art in Gurtweil, Germany (1848 to 1860s)
Expansion into the New World (1870s to 1900)
Growing Ministry – Global Ministry (Early 1900s to 1965)
Our Sisters in the 21st Century (1965 to Present)

For history and archival inquiries, please contact:

Sr. Barbara Payne, CPPS, Archivist
(636) 240-6010


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O’Fallon, MO 63366-2299


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